Western Region Saltwater - 2024 Jim Dolan Memorial Kayak Fishing Tournament
MK Metyko
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Western Region Saltwater Division
September 6, 2024 thru September 22, 2024
The tournament identifier will be posted on September 5th.
Make sure the identifier is visible in every submission and written clearly in black marker or you may use the downloadable PDF found at the bottom of this page.
We are so excited you are joining us for the 2024 Jim Dolan Memorial Kayak Fishing Tournament, an annual fundraiser held in honor and memory of our founder, Jim Dolan.
Heroes on the Water, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, uses outdoor wellness to serve veterans, first responders, and their families. Our kayak fishing programs provide a chance for heroes to decompress, reconnect with themselves, their family, and their local community through continuous outdoor recreation and a social support network - all at no cost to them or their families. In our 16 years of service, we have provided services to over 61,000 veterans and first responders and over 15,000 family members.
In addition to participating in the tournament, you can purchase a tournament shirt, decal or other merch at: https://www.bonfire.com/store/heroes-on-the-water-store/
Tournament Boundaries:
All fish entered must be caught in public waterways (i.e., hooked, fought, and landed) from a kayak in the states of California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. Fishing must be done without the aid of a professional guide or powerboat (mothership). Rule Update - A maximum of 3hp internal combustion engine or electrical propulsion is permitted on your kayak. All fishing must use methods and equipment deemed legal by the state in which they were caught. Please refer to your local fish and game department for clarification of local laws. Only one fishing rod may be used at one time.
This is a catch, photo and release tournament which spans across state lines and jurisdictions. Due to the various size restrictions involved, all fish of the tournament target species will be allowed. Minimum and maximum size limits do not apply. Please take care in properly handling and releasing the fish as the purpose behind this style of tournament is conservation of the resource.
Target Saltwater Species:
Only one fish of each allowable species will be counted towards your total. Submit as many fish as you would like. Through the iAngler platform we will take your single longest of each species and add them together for an overall combined total length to determine tournament placing.
- Lingcod
- Rockfish
- Cabezon
- Saltwater Bass
- Striped Bass

Series: Heroes on the Water
$50 USD
Individual AnglerTournament is over
Website: www.heroesonthewater.org/
"Logging Your Catch" Instructional Video
7 months 3 weeks ago
Welcome to iAngler Tournament - Adding Your Photo to the Leaderboard
7 months 3 weeks ago
Events & Schedule
Lines in the Water - Tournament Begins
09/06/2024 12:00 AM
(See Tournament Rules)
Lines out of the Water - Tournament Ends
09/22/2024 04:00 PM
Rules and RegulationsClick to Read
2024 Jim Dolan Memorial Tournament Western Region Rules
- All fish entered must be caught in public waterways (i.e., hooked, fought, and landed) from a kayak in the states of California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. All states in the Pacific and Mountain Times Zones are fair game. Fishing must be done without the aid of a professional guide, or powerboat (mothership). Rule Update - A maximum of 3hp internal combustion engine or electrical propulsion is permitted on your kayak. All fishing must use methods deemed legal by the state in which they were caught. Only one fishing rod may be used at one time.
- Photographs using a digital camera or smartphone camera will be used to provide evidence of fish size based on length through the iAngler Tournament platform.
- Photo must be the whole fish taken from directly above the fish, with the mouth closed. Any fish submitted with mouth open will result in a 1” penalty.
- If any of the pictures are blurry due to operator or climate they will be disqualified. It will be up to the tournament committee if accepted.
- Fish must be facing to the left on the measuring board with dorsal fin to the top.
- You are allowed to have one hand in the picture to pinch the tail to get the overall length.
- You must use a measuring board and not a flexible tape. Measuring board increments must be clearly marked (no “fat marks”). Approved measuring boards are the Hawg Trough and Ketch Boards or their equivalent. If you have a question regarding whether your particular measuring board will work, ask.
- The fish and measuring device should be on a flat surface. Having a measuring trough to assist makes taking good pictures much easier. The measuring board must be under the fish. Fish bigger than your measuring board will need to be measured with a tape measure UNDERNEATH the fish and the entire fish MUST be visible in the photo. Judging of fish will be at the discretion the tournament director and assistant tournament directors. All Decisions are final. (Remember this is a fundraiser for a great cause which is supposed to be for fun and not an ultra-competitive type of tournament).
- Dates to enter fish will begin Saturday, September 6, 2024, and end at 4:00 PM CST Sunday, September 22, 2024.
- The Jim Dolan Memorial Tournament covers the following species:
- Fresh Water Species
Black Bass Only – Large Mouth, Small Mouth, Spotted Bass – The participants longest 5 bass will be scored, and the longest 5 fish stringer will be the winner.
- Saltwater Species
Saltwater Bass- Saltwater - log as many fish as possible and the overall combined points will be used.
- Anglers may enter both freshwater and saltwater if they wish or enter only one category. They do not have to enter both.
- No out of season, undersized or oversized fish may be entered. This includes proper measurement for all fish that have a minimum size. For fish that have a minimum inch or max size they need to be measured with an attempt to keep the mouth closed. Fish that appear short will be disqualified. If your fish is borderline short, measure properly with mouth closed so there is evidence the fish is legal.
- The Jim Dolan Memorial Tournament Southern Region marker must be visible in every picture submitted.
- This is a catch, photo and release tournament which spans across state lines and jurisdictions. Due to the various size restrictions involved, all fish of the tournament target species will be allowed. Minimum and maximum size limits do not apply. Please take care in properly handling and releasing the fish as the purpose behind this style of tournament is conservation of the resource.
This accomplishes two things. It creates a level playing field among participants fishing under varying size restrictions and does not hold the tournament judges responsible for knowing the rules and regulations of each and every jurisdiction across the country.
- Prizes will be awarded to the top three overall finishers for each tournament. Prizes to be determined.
- Any questions about rules please email Captain Scott Null at events@heroesonthewater.org.
Disclaimer Click to Read
HEROES ON THE WATER, ET ALFor good valuable consideration, including without limitation the acceptance of the undersigned's entry or participation in the "Jim Dolan Memorial Kayak Fishing Tournament" on September 6, 2024 through September 22, 2024 (the "Event") and being permitted to participate in certain related activities, the undersigned, for himself and his personal representatives, heirs, guest, invitees, employees and crew members hereby (1) RELEASES, WAIVES, DISCHARGES, AND COVENANTS NOT TO SUE the following:
Heroes on the Water
and their Chapters, subsidiaries, related entities, respective members, volunteers, heirs, successors, assigns, officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors and subcontractors (collectively, the "Releasees") from all liability to the undersigned, his personal representatives, assigns, heirs and next of kin, and for all loss or damage, and all claims or damages therefor, on account of bodily injury, personal injury, death or property damage of or to the undersigned, his guests, invitee, employees or crew, during the Event or arising out of or in any way in connection with the Event and related activities or while the undersigned is competing, or participating, regardless of whether caused in whole or in part by the negligence of Releasees; (2) AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS Releasees and each of them from and against all claims, actions, causes of action, damages, liabilities, losses and judgments (collectively, the "Claims") of or by all guests, invitee, employees and crew of the undersigned for bodily injury, personal injury, death or property damage which they may suffer or incur during the Event or arising out of or in any way in connection with the Event or related activities, regardless of whether caused in whole or in part by the negligence of Releasees; and (3) ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY for and risk of bodily injury, personal injury, death or property damage of or to himself, his guests, invitees, employees or crew and his boat and equipment due to negligence of Releasees or otherwise during the Event or while participating in the Event or related activities or while in or on the Event premises and the common properties and recreational areas and adjacent docks, piers and boat slips.
The undersigned agrees to pay all of the Releasees' costs of defending all Claims and further agrees that this Release, Indemnification and Agreement Not to Sue is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Texas and that, if any portion of this agreement is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.