Saturday, April 27, 2024 to Saturday, November 30, 2024
Tournament Rules and Regulations
The objective of this tournament is to catch and submit your one biggest fish from each category that will then be added and combined for your total score in inches. You can upgrade fish as the season goes on.
The more categories you fill the higher your ranking, the angler with more categories filled always supersedes the angler with less categories regardless of combined total is higher or not.
Pay outs are as follow 1st 60% 2nd 30% 3rd 10%
All fish must be caught and measured ALIVE in kayaks only. (Kayaks can be powered by hand, foot and electric trolling motor only. Absolutely no gas power engines)
Boards allowed are ketch, hawgtrough, musky bumper boards unless approved by judges, if you have any questions please reach out before the tournament start
All fish 12’ or greater can be measured. Only exception to the rule is panfish and they must be 8” or greater Panfish (Perch,Rockbass,Crappie,Bluegill and Sunfish/Pumpkinseed) All under will be DQ
Fish must be measured alive with belly towards the angler with head facing the left and mouth or nose touching the bump board and Identifier and codes must be visible. Kayak also must be visible in picture. You cannot cover mouth or eyes. No fingers underneath the gill plate. You may pinch tail before photo but cannot be pinching tail in picture. Failure to do any of these rules will result in DQ
Absolutely no edited photos. Original photos only! Any edited photos will not count
All fish will be measured to the nearest ¼ inch they are touching
Mouth can be open for all fish but Bass and panfish they must have a closed mouth against the bump board.1’ Deduction for open mouth on Bass and Panfish (this might make your Bass or Panfish under minimum length and will make them not count)
Catfish are the only fish that can be measured belly down.
Esox (Pike, Muskellunge and Gar) can always be measured with lip grips.
All species 26” or greater can be measured with lip grips.
Lip grip rule, when using lip grips fish nose or mouth must be touching the bumper plate, if lips grips are touch first it will be a 2” deduction .
All other species that are not esox or greater then 26” will be DQ if lip grips are used
All anglers must adhere to all fishing rules and regulations or else will be DQ
Live bait is allowed
Only Ontario and Quebec waters
Tournament will be held on IANGLER APP