TKAA 2024 - Striper Tournament

Sunday, December 1, 2024 to Tuesday, December 31, 2024

TKAA 2024 - Fishing Tournament General Rules

A. Participation is open to anyone 18 Years of age or older. Minors are eligible to register and participate with a parent or guardian who also participates in the event or grants permission. The obligation to know these rules falls upon the parent.
B. A completed online entry and entry fee
C. Watercraft defined in Section 9 of these rules.
D. Each competitor must have an approved measuring device (See 8.B for additional guidance)
E. Phone or digital camera for recording scoring fish (See section 12 for requirements)
F. A valid Fishing License
G. A minimum of 6 participants required for event. If less than 6 sign up and participants all agree, event may proceed.
H. No refunds unless event cancelled.

Cash prizes awarded for the winner of the tournament. The top three STRIPED BASS will count. See section 11 for scoring criteria.

A. Award amount will be subjective to participation. 1st Place= $10 per entry received, 2nd Place=$5 per entry received, 3rd Place=$3 per entry received (3rd place is only paid out if 20 or more paid participants). In the unlikely event no fish are caught or logged, the money will be donated towards charity.
B. Winners will be based on the combined scores for the longest fish or as dictated by that particular tournament that is submitted and validated.

Launching can begin at designated time (provided at time of registration). All entrants wishing to enter fish must submit their pictures to tournament by 11:59 PM on end date.

In the event someone registers AFTER the official start date, they will not be allowed to enter fish for 24 hours after official enrollment time. Any attempt to circumvent this ruling, the catch will be DQ and the angler will be subjected to tournament disqualifications as determined by the Tournament Directors.

The use of mobile communication is allowed.

All contestants are required to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, and conservation. Intoxication will be cause for immediate disqualification. Participation in any criminal activities, or other conduct reflecting unfavorably upon efforts to promote safety, sportsmanship, fair competition and compliance with tournament rules and the law are grounds for disqualification and/or rejection of any applicant from participation. This will also entail the return of any prizes awarded. The TKAA Tournament Committee will seek legal remedy if necessary.

A. All fish must be caught on rod, reel, line and hook. No traps, snares, set lines or other methods of fishing other than rod, reel and line are permissible, even if legal under state game laws.
B. Acceptable measuring boards include the “Hawg Trough” manufactured by Hagen’s, a FishStik Version 2 (with Bump Board Arrows and Lock Slide), Muskie Bumper, and the Ketch Co Measuring Board. Measuring boards may be shortened removing inches from the upper end (opposite the fence) For example, one may cut a measuring board off at the 26 inch mark in order to fit crossways between a watercraft’s gunwales. However, it may not be broken, snapped, or cut apart and then reassembled at any point between the two ends. A crack that does not separate the measuring board into pieces and does not affect the measuring board’s accuracy may be repaired and reinforced for use. Measuring device’s markings must be clear and visible (darken in lines if necessary). In the event the fish extends beyond the measuring board, a metal tape measure (similar to a retractable tape measure used in construction) can be used with the measuring board. Failure to follow these rules could result in denial of photo. Do the best you can to get a side profile. Discretion is the judge’s option.


C. Each competitor must have a mobile phone (or digital camera) with camera able to submit digital photographs.
D. Nets and grippers (e.g., Fish Grip, Boga-Grip) may be used for landing fish during tournament competition, but not left in the mouth when measuring (unless exception designated in Iangler). If the gripper is authorized to be left in mouth for that designated tournament, will be subjected to a 2” point penalty.
E. Live and artificial baits allowed.
f. Competitors are allowed to share baits and tackle.
g. During the hours of competition, contestants may not obtain or receive assistance, including but not limited to following a non-competitor's boat, the placing of markers by any non-competitor, towed by or riding on motorized vessels or electronic, voice or data communication from a non-competitor.
h. Contestants may not leave the boat to stand or to wade while fishing.

9. Watercraft & Propulsion
A. Only fish caught (and landed) from kayaks, canoes, paddleboards or other acceptable watercraft are eligible for scoring. Acceptable watercraft is defined as any watercraft defined by the manufacturer as a kayak, canoe, or paddleboard and sold as such. Watercraft specifically approved as exceptions in advance and for this event are:
Blue Sky Boatworks 360 Angler
Bote Aero/Classic/Verg/Rover
Greentop Enterprise Creek Boats
Solo Skiff
Hero 130 (and equivalent copies of same molding)
Beavertail Stealth

B. A maximum of 6hp internal combustion engine or electrical propulsion is permitted.
C. Trolling is permitted.
D. The use of motherships (i.e., transport or assistance from a powerboat in moving locations) is NOT permitted. Assistance from powerboats is permitted only in emergencies, as when pulling a kayak from a danger zone or restricted area. Fishing may resume following emergency assistance only if no appreciable relocation occurred.
E. TANDEMS/SHARING. It is permissible for more than 1 entrant to share the same watercraft. However, each paddler must pay and compete as a single angler. They must also have their own phone and the fish are scored separately. Fish may NEVER be shared among entrants.

There is absolutely NO FERRYING (i.e. using another vehicle or boat, motorized or not to transport your kayak to a fishing location while on the water.)

Fishing is permitted anywhere in the State of Virginia.

A. Participants must use their own Smart Phone or digital camera for recording scoring fish.
B. All photos shall be uploaded into the Iangler Tournament program or application on the same day they are caught and no later than 6 hours from time of capture.
C. No photos accepted after the end of the tournament.
D. No other means of entering photos accepted.

Digital photographs of fish submitted to judges for scoring must meet these criteria:
A. Legible. Photo must be clear enough to read identifier, including required ID codes and marks, and judge the length accurately. After carefully examining photo details and cross-referencing other photos submitted for scoring by the same angler in the same event, if the event judge is NOT able to verify with 100% confidence that the Identifier Form and ID Codes or Marks in the photo are valid for both the competitive event and the competitor, then the photo will be denied.

B. The identifier as specified on Iangler will be displayed where it does not cover the fish eye or prevent measurement verification. An image of the unique identifier on a smart phone or other electronic devices is not acceptable. Identifier can and will be randomly changed especially for 30 day events. It is up to the angler to make sure they are using the correct Identifier for their pictures. Changes will be done after 9pm and before 10pm.
C. Competitor’s watercraft clearly visible
E. Fish, as depicted below:


i. Facing left on a measuring device, left side of the fish visible, dorsal fin toward the top of the photo
ii. Mouth completely closed with jaw and/or lips touching the “fence.” Position camera lens directly over the center of the fish’s body to aid judges in determining that fish’ mouth is closed and in contact with the fence. Photos judged to have been taken deliberately at an angle in order to make the fish appear longer may be disqualified at the Tournament Director’s discretion.
iii. Tail centered and its tip in contact with the measuring device.
iv. To confirm that the fish is alive, the fish’s eye must be uncovered in the photo. Photos of fish that appear to be dead, mutilated, frozen or similarly damaged will be disqualified without scoring. Photos of fish that appear to have been mangled, mashed, mauled or otherwise altered in ways that increase their length will be disqualified or approved for scoring at the discretion of the Tournament Director.
v. Securing the fish with any portion of a hand under the fish’s gill flap is prohibited.
vi. All photos become property of the TKAA.

A. The tournament is a catch, photo, and release format.
B. Fish length is determined by its tail touching or crossing a quarter-inch line on the measuring device. If it falls short of a line, the length is rounded down to the nearest 1/4-inch mark that the fish’ tail actually touches or crosses. Angling the fish to achieve additional length will not result in a higher score and may result in deduction in length. If a fish is submitted and rejected, it cannot be resubmitted. The judge’s decision is final and not subject to debate. Any attempt to discredit judges or TKAA via social media or any other methods will result in immediate DQ and no refunds permitted.
C. In the event of an exact tie in aggregate score, ties will be broken according to the time that the competitors’ last fish photo was officially checked in by the Judges. Should the last fish photo submission times be identical, and then both Competitors’ highest single-fish score will be compared and the higher score will be determining the outcome. If both Competitors’ highest single-fish score, too, is identical, then the second highest single-fish score of both Competitors will be compared, and so on until the tie is broken by the highest single-fish score. If necessary, a complete re-score of the top anglers (prize eligible) may become necessary as determined by the judge. The scores may change as necessary.
D. Grading criteria: the following standards in approving or disqualifying photos, and in accepting or adjusting lengths.
ItemCriteria Penalty
Photo Blurry photos will be scored at the highest mark of which there is no doubt n/a
Photo Photo that is too blurry to judge at all DQ
Photo Photo appears to be second-generation (photo of a photo) DQ
Photo Photo submitted before or after event date and time limits DQ
Photo GPS photo tag or other evidence indicates photo was uploaded out of tournament “permitted waters” zone DQ
Photo Multiple digital photos unintentionally submitted of the same fish DQ
Photo Multiple digital photos intentionally submitted of the same fish; fraud Ban
Orientation Fish is positioned with the head pointing to the right DQ
Orientation Fish is positioned with dorsal fin at bottom of photo, pelvic and anal fins upward DQ
Identifier Tournament Identifier missing, counterfeit, or incorrect for the event or competitor DQ
Watercraft Competitor’s watercraft not visible in photo DQ
Mouth Fish lip or mouth clearly not touching measuring device fence (the upright end plate) DQ
Mouth Unable to ascertain with certainty that fish lip or mouth is touching measuring device fence 1″
Mouth Mouth slightly open, but less than 1/8 inch 0″
Mouth Mouth open 1/8 to 1/4 inch, even if it appears to be structurally unable to close completely. 0.5″
Mouth Mouth open 1/4 to 1/2 inch, even if it appears to be structurally unable to close completely. 1.0″
Mouth Mouth open wider than 1/2 inch, even if it appears to be structurally unable to close completely. 1.5″
Mouth Fish gripper left in mouth as long as it does not appear to be increasing the measurement and is authorized for that event. 2”
Body Restraining device, stringer, tape, or clip of any kind is attached to fish or being used to secure it. 1″
Body Any portion of a hand or fingers under the fish’s operculum (hard gill flap) DQ
Body Body off-center or curved so that one lobe of the tail extends 1/2 inch or more past the other lobe 1″
Body Tail angled off centerline DQ
Tail Tail lifted off the measuring device; fish flapping tail so its tip is not in contact with the board DQ
Fish Any other fish than the species or varieties approved for the Competition DQ
Fish Fish appears to have been snagged, snatched, or hooked in the body rather than mouth DQ
Fish Fish appears to be dead, mutilated, frozen, mangled, or otherwise damaged so that it may not to have been taken according to the rules, or eye is covered so the condition of the fish cannot be ascertained. DQ
Fish Fish appears to have been mashed, mauled, or otherwise altered to increase its length DQ

A waiver and release of liability statement is part of the entry form. It is required of each contestant that they take responsibility for themselves while participating in any tournament activities.

Rule interpretation will be left exclusively to the TKAA Tournament Committee; all decisions are final in all matters and are not subject to appeal.

All protests must be submitted in writing, 30-minutes before the end time of tournament. All protests will be reviewed by members of the TKAA Tournament Officer. All decisions will be final and are not subject to appeal.