5th Annual Manchester-by-the-Sea Fishing Tournament
Nate Berkowitz
Sally Berkowitz
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Fishing Tournament
An Annual Community Fishing Event for the Whole Family
Friday, July 26, 2024 - Sunday July 28, 2024
For many years, Manchester residents have had an opportunity each summer to best their neighbors and secure year-long bragging rights for catching the biggest fish. For those who remember the tournaments of years past, you probably recall fondly of the opportunity for experienced and novice anglers of all ages to show their skills, enjoy some fun prizes and get the most popular shirts in town!
Making a return in 2020, the Manchester By-the-Sea Fishing tournament is a family-friendly event seeking to encourage anglers new and old to enjoy some fun on the water. We are excited to be able to build upon the event by including more prizes, t-shirts and a celebration event at Tuck’s Point.
Tournament Details
- Friday morning, July 26 at first light - Sunday, July 28, 12pm
- Stripers are the primary prize category being tracked. Prizes awarded based on length of catch. There is a prize category for most species caught, so submit all catches!
- Catch and release is strongly encouraged to support and sustain our local fishery (reference new Mass guidelines and keeper limits).
- Anglers must comply with all federal and state regulations, including having a recreational saltwater license.
- Captain's check-in will be on Thursday, July 25 at 6-8pm. All anglers/team leaders must attend to pick up their ruler and t-shirts. Details to follow on location.
Registration Process and Eligibility
Official rulers are required for all submissions.
All rulers must have a 2023 decal included in the photo. These will be provided during the captains meeting.
We encourage you to re-use your ruler from last year, however if you need a new one please indicate during the registration process.
Catch Submission Rules
All fish must be caught on a hook and line, in saltwater.
The Shore division indicates you caught a fish in a location accessible by foot. All other fish caught in a location accessed via a watercraft are considered Boat.
No traps.
Measurements to be taken with the fish on top of the ruler.
Anglers must submit 3 pictures of their fish using the iAngler app.
1 photo of the whole catch on the ruler
1 photo of the head on the ruler, close-up
1 photo of the tail on the ruler, close-up
Measurement submissions according to the state of Massachusetts “Striped Bass are measured in total length, which is the greatest straight line from the anterior most tip of the jaw or snout to the farthest extremity of the tail with the forks squeezed together.”.
Picture must include the official 2024 tournament ruler (pics without ruler will not be counted)
If you have issues with your submission the tournament director can submit on your behalf, please email your 3-photos and corresponding details to info@mbtsfishing.com.
According to the state of Massachusetts, ”all recreational anglers are required to use inline circle hooks when fishing for striped bass with whole or cut natural baits, except when fishing with a natural bait attached to an artificial lure (e.g., tube and worm).The use non-lethal devices to remove striped bass from the water is required; gaffing striped bass is prohibited”.
Decisions of the tournament judges are final in all circumstances.
MBTS Fishing Tournament reserves the right to use all submission and other photos transmitted for future use in event marketing collateral.
Categories and Prizes
You can register into one of the following divisions:
Kid - (11 and under)
Junior - (12 - 17)
Adult - (18+)
Fishing can occur on either:
Competition categories include:
Biggest Catch Overall
Most Species Overall
Total Inches Caught
Kid (11 and under)
Junior (12 - 17)
Adult (18+)
Kid (11 and under)
Junior (12 - 17)
Adult (18+)
Awards ceremony will occur on Sunday at 5pm at Tuck’s Point. This year Kelly Auto Group will be sponsoring a family style dinner, please indicate during the registration process, the total number of people you expect to attend. Thank you Kelly Auto Group!
Min: 2 Angler
Max: 6 Angler
Tournament is over
Website: www.mbtsfishing.com/
"Logging Your Catch" Instructional Video
11 months 1 week ago
Welcome to iAngler Tournament - Adding Your Photo to the Leaderboard
11 months 1 week ago
Events & Schedule
Registration opens
06/01/2024 12:00 PM
Captains Meeting
07/27/2023 06:00 PM
Registration closes
07/24/2024 12:00 PM
Lines in the water (first light)
07/28/2023 06:00 AM
Lines out of the water
07/30/2023 12:00 PM
Awards Ceremony
07/30/2023 05:00 PM
Rules and RegulationsClick to Read
Tournament Details
- Friday morning, July 28 at first light - July 30 @ 12pm-noon.
- Stripers are the primary prize category being tracked. Prizes awarded based on length of catch. There is a prize category for most species and total inches caught, so submit all catches!
- Catch and release is strongly encouraged to support and sustain our local fishery (reference new Mass guidelines and keeper limits). Anglers must comply with all federal and state regulations, including having a recreational saltwater license.
- Captain’s meeting will be on Thursday, July 27 at 6pm. All anglers/team leaders must attend to pick up their ruler and t-shirts. Details to follow on location.
Catch Submission Rules
All fish must be caught on a hook and line, in saltwater.
No traps.
Measurements to be taken with the fish on top of the ruler.
Anglers must submit 3 pictures of their fish using the iAngler app.
1 photo of the whole catch on the ruler
1 photo of the head on the ruler, close-up
1 photo of the tail on the ruler, close-up
Measurement submissions according to the state of Massachusetts “Striped Bass are measured in total length, which is the greatest straight line from the anterior most tip of the jaw or snout to the farthest extremity of the tail with the forks squeezed together.”
Picture must include the official 2023 tournament ruler (pics without ruler will not be counted)
If you have issues with your submission the tournament director can submit on your behalf, please email your 3-photos and corresponding details to info@mbtsfishing.com.
Decisions of the tournament judges are final in all circumstances.
According to the state of Massachusetts, ”all recreational anglers are required to use inline circle hooks when fishing for striped bass with whole or cut natural baits, except when fishing with a natural bait attached to an artificial lure (e.g., tube and worm).The use non-lethal devices to remove striped bass from the water is required; gaffing striped bass is prohibited”
MBTS Fishing Tournament reserves the right to use all submission and other photos transmitted for future use in event marketing collateral.
Categories and Prizes
You can register into one of the following divisions:
Kid - (11 and under)
Junior - (12 - 17)
Adult - (18+)
Fishing can occur on either:
Competition categories include:
Biggest Catch Overall
Most Species Overall
Total Inches Caught
Kid (11 and under)
Junior (12 - 17)
Adult (18+)
Kid (11 and under)
Junior (12 - 17)
Adult (18+)
Awards ceremony will occur on Sunday at 5pm at Tuck’s Point.
Disclaimer Click to Read
This agreement releases the Manchester By-the-Sea Fishing Tournament, its organizers and any other Tournament volunteers from all liability relating to claims, damages or injuries arising out of, related to, or that may occur during the event. By signing this agreement, I agree to hold the Manchester By-the-Sea Fishing Tournament entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence or other cause. I also sign this release as guardian and on behalf of my minor children that participate in the Tournament or its activities.
I also acknowledge the risks involved in fishing. I agree that I am participating voluntarily, and that all risks have been made clear to me. Additionally, I do not have any conditions that will increase my likelihood of experiencing injuries while engaging in this activity.
By signing below, I forfeit all right to bring a suit against the Manchester By-the-Sea Fishing Tournament, for any reason. I will also make every effort to obey safety precautions as listed in writing and as explained to me verbally. I will ask for clarification when needed.
Photography Release
I hereby grant full permission to Manchester By-the-Sea Fishing Tournament, to use, reuse, reproduce, publish, or republish any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of my participation in this event.