2024 Fishing Funds the Cure Sarasota
Spotted Sea Trout
Email: brett@angleractionfoundation.org
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On behalf of the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation, it is our pleasure to invite you to the Fishing Funds the Cure Sarasota Tournament. Join us March 15 and 16 for a full day of inshore fishing for redfish, trout, and snook. The weekend will kick off with fishing then a Luau on Friday evening and end with an awards ceremony and dinner after the tournament on Saturday afternoon. Trophies will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams for each category. Each angler will also receive a dry bag full of great tournament swag. All proceeds from this event support critical research needed to find a cure for childhood cancer.
Min: 1 Angler
Max: 6 Angler
Sarasota, Sarasota County, Florida
Tournament is over
Website: http://nationalpcf.org/how-you-can-help/special-events/grand-slam-fishing-tournament/
Reminder: Leaderboard off at 1PM
10 months 1 week ago
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10 months 1 week ago
Send some pics!
10 months 1 week ago
Events & Schedule
Rules and RegulationsClick to Read
Eligible Fish: • Redfish, Snook, and Trout •All fish entries must be submitted immediately after fish is landed via iangler tournament app. • No exceptions! General Rules: • All boats must be back to tournament headquarters by 4:00 p.m. • Boats must depart and return to tournament fishing headquarters by water. Boats may depart in any order, but not before the starting signal is given by tournament officials. Please watch your wake in and out of the marina. Reckless boat handling will not be allowed. No trailering to different ramps. • Anglers must hook, fight and bring the fish to the boat the day of the tournament without captain handling the rod. Captain can cast but cannot hook the fish. • All entries must be submitted via the iangler tournament app and contain the following: picture of whole fish with nose at the zero line, angler name, fish species, and length. •All entries shall be photographed on a measuring device that shows length to at least .25 inch resolution. Rulers of winner might be subject to inspection by tournament committee. • If there is an issue with the submission, the scoring committee will reply via the app and call tech support (Brett @ 561-707-89230. • No catches will be accepted after 3:00 p.m. • Full-release tournament. All effort must be made to release fish alive. • Natural and artificial baits permitted. • Chumming permitted. • Scents permitted. • Lures may be trolled. • Anglers or guides supply own bait, lures, and flies. • Anglers may not wade from the boat to fish. • There must be at least two (2) anglers on every participating boat. In the absence of a teammate or angler, a substitute angler may be approved by the tournament committee. • Tournament committee may elect an alternate starting location for either or both days of competition as demanded by weather conditions. • Fish must be entered immediately after fish is landed. • In the event of a tie, the team or angler who enters the fish first will be declared the winner. • The penalty for any rules violation is no points for the day. All protests must be in writing and signed. They must be presented to a rules committee member by 3:00 p.m. on the day of the violation. • Weather Policy – the safety of our anglers, participants, and staff is our primary concern. If inclement weather or other safety concerns arise, the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation and tournament organizers reserve the right to modify, limit, or cancel the event as necessary. • If you are seen fishing in a closed area, your team catches for that day are disqualified. Angling Requirements: • As a light tackle tournament, NPCF Sarasota Fishing Tournament l requires line of maximum 20# breaking strength for fish caught using natural or artificial baits. Catch Qualifications and Registration: • A digital image is to be used for all photos. It is the sole responsibility of the angler to capture a clear image of the entered fish showing an accurate overall length measurement of that fish. • Each boat shall be equipped with an official measuring device. Lengths of an entered fish must be recorded on this measuring device. • Catch shall be laid on the device, nose butting the lower or left end of the measuring device right at the 'zero' mark. You may have to steady the fish while on the measuring device. Take photograph of the whole fish, making sure the nose and tail are in the photo and that size gradations are visible. • Once satisfied with the catch photo, release the fish. Handling should be kept to a minimum and should only be done with wet hands. The measuring board should also be wet for the protection of the fish. • All decisions relating to angler and catch eligibility, as well as scoring, shall be the responsibility of the tournament officials. Scoring: • ALL fish entries must be submitted via the iangler tournament app immediately after fish is landed. In-person entries will NOT be accepted. • Eligible species: Redfish, Snook, and Spotted Sea Trout. Points will be awarded only for fish caught, photographed, and released in good condition. Every effort should be made to assure the live release of all fish, which must swim away from the angler in apparent good health. Fish should be unhooked before being released unless the act of unhooking is judged to be a danger to the angler or fi sh. In cases where unhooking appears inadvisable, hooks should be clipped in half or the leader should be clipped at the hook eye. • Due to the nature of the contest as an all release tournament, there are no size restrictions on the length of the fish (minimum or maximum) that will be imposed. • Fish measurements will be judged on total length, to the nearest ¼ inch. • Anglers are urged to utilize hooks with barbs bent down to facilitate unhooking. When fishing with natural bait, anglers are urged to use bronze (varnished) hooks that will rust quickly if left in the fi sh. • This is a Grand Slam Team Tournament – it is intended that our top awards feature team Grand Slam catches and as such, the longest Redfish, Snook, and Spotted Sea Trout will be used for the Team Grand Slam calculation. (The iAngler Tournament system automatically selects longest fish from each team for this purpose.) • Grand Slam – This is a team category. Winners are determined by the total length accrued of the longest Redfish, Snook, and Trout entered by the team. Prize Categories: Grand Slam (TEAM) – Most total inches for Redfish, Snook, and Trout (1 entry per species). Top Anglers (INDIVIDUAL) – Longest single fish (in inches) for each species – Redfish, Snook, and Trout. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes are awarded on a single fish entry. Each individual is angler limited to one prize. If NPCF provides a measuring device, it is to be returned to the tournament officials at 4:00 p.m. on the last day of fishing.Print