2024 OBFC Sheepshead Tournament
Email: SteveSzykulski@gmail.com
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2024 OBFC Sheepshead Tournament
February 10, 2024
Official Tournament Times: 7:00am to 3:00 pm on February 10, 2024. The tournament will end promptly at 3:00 pm February 10, 2024. All catches must be uploaded to the iAngler Tournament app by that time. Any late entry will not be counted.
Location to Register: O’Brien’s Fishing Club, held at the O’Brien’s Pub at 701 W. Lumsden Rd. Brandon Fl. 33511
Entry Fee: Entry is $30 for club members, $35 for non-members (cash only). You will get a pass code to use on the iAngler Tournament app showing entry fee paid.
You will get your official token when you register.
Tournament Rules: This is a Catch and Release Photo Tournament. You may fish from the shoreline, docks, seawalls, boats, bridges, etc. You must include the entire length of the fish on a measuring stick with the fish’s head at the zero line, and the official token in the picture. If you lose your token you must have a photo ID card in the picture with the fish when you up load the picture to iAngler Tournament. We will replace your lost token at our next meeting at no charge. iAngler will judge and post all fish to the tournament score board.
- Starting dates are from 7am on 2/10/24 until 3pm of 2/10/24
- Photos must include fish, ruler, and chip
- Measurements must be clearly visible and measured according to FWC guidelines
- Egmont island boundaries apply!
Target Fish: Sheepshead
Scoring: Winners will be determined by the combined length of 3 longest Sheepshead
Payouts: Payouts are 100% of the proceeds paid in cash. 1st place 60%, 2nd place 25%, and 3rd place 15%
Ties: If two anglers tie for 1st place we add the payouts together for 1st and 2nd and split them 50/50. If two angler tie for 2nd place we add the payouts together for 2nd and 3rd and then split them 50/50. If two anglers tie for 3rd place we split the payout 50/50.
Awards: Awards will be given out at the O’Brien’s Fishing Club meeting.
Welcome to iAngler Tournament - Adding Your Photo to the Leaderboard
1 year 3 weeks ago
Events & Schedule
Lines in the water
02/10/2024 07:00 AM
Lines out of the water / Catch submission deadline
02/10/2024 03:00 PM
Rules and RegulationsClick to Read
- Lines in no earlier than 7am
- Photos must be submitted by 3pm, no submissions accepted after 3pm
- Egmont island boundaries apply
- Leaderboard will be live
- Combined length of 3 longest sheepshead.
- Token and length must be visible in picture