2023-24 CCA Maryland Pickerel Championship
Email: information@ccamd.org
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For assistance with registration call David Sikorski @443-621-9186 or email information@ccamd.org
Nov. 1, 2023 – Feb. 29, 2024
Sign up ANY TIME throughout the 4 month period.
No Treble Hooks may be used.
Hooks may be rolled over or snipped off allowing no more than 1 of the 3 hooks to be exposed and in its original form.
Fishing may take place in any waters of Maryland, DC & Delaware,
Catch Photo Release Championship governed by the honor system
Panel of 3 judges will determine actual length based on photograph provided
All participants reserve the right to challenge any photo judgement before midnight February 28, 2023 via email to information@ccamd.org
All fish in photos should be alive and able to be released, all pickerel must be released for consideration
Judges reserve the right to disqualify any entry
Tie breaker determined by time of entry
All rules and regulations set forth by MD DNR & DNREC apply.
All fish may only be caught by hook and line
14” minimum for pickerel for submission
Photo Submission:
All photos must be clear and readable and include a photo identifier provided to participants at registration
Photos must be taken against any standard ruler (inches only)
Measurements will be made to nearest 1/4” ( Enter as .25, .5 or .75)
Panel of 3 judges have final say in determination of fish length.
Must include tournament identifier (to be emailed to participants prior to tournament start)
Any measurement device must be presented for inspection upon request or submission(s) will be disqualified
all photos must be submitted through ianglertournament.com page or app
Photos must be sent in by midnight February 28, 2023
Best Practices for Careful Catch and Release
While this tournament is not limited to tidal waters, please note that tidal Pickerel are a special fish living on the edge of their range here in MD. Salinity levels and water quality seem to control their population cycles. It is important that while catching and releasing Pickerel fishermen use care, and adhere to some best practices. Pickerel that are released while fishing private waters and non tidal lakes should also be handled with the same care to ensure surviveability upon release.
Pickerel have the best chance of surviving when they are not handled extensively, or kept out of the water for an extended period of time. Please use care when taking pictures and do your best to only keep the fish out of the water for a limited time. Remember that a differentiation between water and air temperatures can be fatal to fish. Freezing air temperatures can freeze fish and be fatal.
Catch and release mortality can be high when fish are deep hooked. Actively retrieving artificials, or artificials tipped with bait should limit the amount of deep hooking which occurs.
Pickerel are aggressive feeders and fighters and treble hooks can cause a great deal of damage if not modified. Please roll 2 of the hooks inward, or clip off 2 of the hooks before using treble hooks for Pickerel, or any other fish you intend to release.
Events & Schedule
Tournament Begins
11/01/2023 12:15 AM
Tournament Ends
02/29/2024 06:00 PM
Rules and RegulationsClick to Read
No Treble Hooks may be used.
Hooks may be rolled over or snipped off allowing no more than 1 of the 3 hooks to be exposed and in its original form.
Fishing may take place in any waters of Maryland, DC and Delaware
Catch Photo Release Championship governed by the honor system
Panel of judges will determine actual length based on photograph
All participants reserve the right to challenge any photo judgement before midnight February 28, 2023
Judges reserve the right to disqualify any entry
The time of a catch is determined by the embedded meta data in the image. This means the time that the picture is taken by the device is the official time for the tournament.
In the event of a tie in any division, the fish caught and photographed first will be considered the winner.
All rules and regulations set forth by MD DNR & DNREC apply
14” minimum for pickerel for submission
Photo Submission:
All photos must be clear and readable and include a photo identifier provided to participants at registration
Photos must be taken against any standard ruler (inches only)
Measurements will be made to nearest 1/4”
Panel of judges have final say in determination of fish length.
Must include tournament indicator (to be emailed or texted to participants prior to tournament start)
Any measurement device must be presented for inspection upon request or submission(s) will be disqualified
all photos should be submitted through ianglertournament.com page or app, but technical support will be provided throughout the tournament for those who have trouble with the app.
Disclaimer Click to Read
For good and valuable consideration, including without limitation the acceptance of the registered participants entry or participation in the 2021-22 CCA Maryland Pickerel Championship(the "Event") and being permitted to participate in certain related activities, the registered participant, for his or herself and his or her personal representatives, heirs, guest, invitees, employees, and team or crew members hereby (1) RELEASES, WAIVES, DISCHARGES, AND COVENANTS NOT TO SUE Coastal Conservation Association or its Chapters, subsidiaries, related entities, respective members, volunteers, heirs, successors, assigns, officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors, sponsors and subcontractors, (collectively, the "Releasees") from any and all liability to the registered participant, his or her personal representatives, assigns, heirs and next of kin, and for all loss or damage, and all claims or damages therefore, on account of bodily injury, personal injury, death, property or other damage of or to the undersigned, his or her guests, invitees, employees, team or crew, during the Event or arising out of or in any way in connection with the Event or its Rules or related activities or while the registered participant is competing, or participating, regardless of whether caused in whole or in part by the negligence or alleged negligence of Releasees ; (2) AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS Releasees and each of them from and against all claims, actions, causes of action, damages, liabilities, losses and judgments (collectively, the "Claims") of or by all guests, invitees, employees, and team or crew of the registered participant for bodily injury, personal injury, death, property or other damage which they may suffer or incur during the Event or arising out of or in any way in connection with the Event or its Rules or related activities, regardless of whether caused in whole or in part by the negligence or alleged negligence of Releasees; and, (3) ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY for the risk or occurrence of bodily injury, personal injury, death, property or other damage of or to his or herself, his or her guests, invitees, employees, and team or crew and to his or her boat and equipment due to negligence of Releasees or otherwise during the Event or while participating in the Event or related activities or while in or on the Event premises, which includes but is not limited to, its common properties, recreational areas, and adjacent docks, piers, and boat slips. Participant further assumes the responsibility for and acknowledges all dangers associated with weather and sea conditions; (4) Anyone entering this Tournament is required to abide by the Tournament Rules. Disqualifications will be determined by the Tournament Judges consisting of three (3) volunteer CCA Maryland Representatives. Any protest must state the rule violated and be received by the tournament judges photo Check-in Deadline. All team participants, including team members, guides and boat drivers are responsible for knowing, understanding, and abiding by these Rules. Failure of any team participant to follow tournament rules or procedures will result in disqualification of the team in violation or non-compliance. Questions and comments concerning any Rule may be directed to the Tournament Director/Co-Chair. In all Tournament matters, the decisions of the tournament committee are final. The registered participant agrees to pay all of the Releases’ costs of defending all Claims and further agrees that this Release, Hold Harmless and Agreement Not to Sue is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Maryland and that, if any portion of this agreement is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. The registered participant also gives permission to use her / his name and picture in any published report or coverage of the event. RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RISK CCA National and CCA Maryland (collectively “CCA”) very much appreciate your attendance at our event. As you know, the United States and Maryland are currently experiencing a pandemic associated with the virus COVID-19 (“the virus”). Your attendance at this CCA Event is voluntary and with full knowledge that the virus can be spread from one person to another including at social gatherings. CCA endeavors to follow local, state and federal virus related guidelines when planning for, preparing for and holding CCA Events. PLEASE READ THIS RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK CAREFULLY AS IT CONTAINS INDEMNITY PROVISIONS RELATING TO YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS. In recognition of the above, Guest agrees to assume the full risk and responsibility for: all illness including specifically COVID 19 and any illness or injury arising indirectly or directly from COVID 19, harm, injury, disease, damage, death and personal and economic loss to Guest arising from the Guest’s presence and activities of Guest at the CCA Event, including any illness or injury arising out of CCA or its employees, volunteers, executives and board of directors own negligent acts. Guest, on behalf of herself/himself and all heirs, executors, beneficiaries and representatives agrees to protect, indemnify, defend and hold harmless CCA, its employees, volunteers, executives and board of directors with respect to all such illness including specifically COVID 19 and any illness or injury arising indirectly or directly from COVID 19 and any harm, injury, disease, damage, death and loss, except to the limited extent caused directly by the willful misconduct of CCA its employees, volunteers, executives and board of directors. In addition, Guest on behalf of herself/himself and all heirs, executors, beneficiaries and representatives agrees to protect, indemnify, defend and hold harmless CCA its employees, volunteers, executives and board of directors from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, expenses and costs (including reasonable attorney fees) relating to any injury, illness including specifically COVID 19 and any illness or injury arising indirectly or directly from COVID 19, harm, damage, disease, death or personal or economic loss to any person or property incurred or suffered by Guest or any other person claiming by, through or under Guest as a direct or indirect result of the negligence or misconduct of CCA its employees, volunteers, executives and board of directors, or any violation of this Agreement by Guest. GUEST, INDIVIDUALLY AND ON BEHALF OF HIS/HER HEIRS, EXECUTORS AND ASSIGNS, RELEASES AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS CCA ITS EMPLOYEES, VOLUNTEERS, EXECUTIVES AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM ANY CLAIM ASSERTED BY GUEST IN ANY WAY RELATED TO OR RESULTING FROM ATTENDANCE AT THE CCA EVENT, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR LIABILITY WHICH FOR ANY REASON CCA ITS EMPLOYEES, VOLUNTEERS, EXECUTIVES AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS ARE ALLEGED TO BE LEGALLY LIABLE, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR LIABILITY BASED ON CCA ITS EMPLOYEES, VOLUNTEERS, EXECUTIVES AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS ALLEGED OWN NEGLIGENT ACTS OR OMISSIONS, DTPA VIOLATIONS, BREACH OF CONTRACT, BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTIES OR ANY OTHER ACTS OR OMMISSIONS. GUEST’S INDEMNITY INCLUDES ALL CLAIMS FOR ACTUAL DAMAGES, EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, DAMAGES TO PROPERTY, MEDICAL EXPENSES, DAMAGES DUE TO MENTAL ANGUISH, DAMAGES DUE TO PHYSICAL PAIN OR PHYSICAL IMPAIRMENT OR DISABILITY EITHER PAST, PRESENT OR FUTURE, LOST WAGES OR WAGE EARNING CAPACITY, INHERITANCE, LOSS OF SOCIETY OR CONSORTIUM OR ANY OTHER CLAIM, OR ANY OTHER DAMAGE, OF WHATEVER NATURE. THIS RELEASE AND INDEMNITY SHALL APPY WHETHER OR NOT ANY SUCH INJURY OR DAMAGE HAS BEEN, OR IS ALLEGED TO HAVE BEEN, CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY THE NEGLIGENCE OR FAULT OF CCA ITS EMPLOYEES, VOLUNTEERS, EXECUTIVES AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS. GUEST ACKNOWLEDGES INDIVIDUALLY AND ON BEHALF OF HIS/HER HEIRS, EXECUTORS AND ASSIGNS THAT THIS INDEMINTY PROVISION IS CLEAR, CONSPICIOUS AND SATISFIES THE TEXAS EXPRESS NEGLIGENCE DOCTRINE.