NTXKC - Lake Fork


NTXKC - Lake Fork

Saturday, June 17, 2017
 | Fishing Tournament
Target Sub-species: 
Bass - Large Mouth Bass
Bass - Small Mouth Bass
Bass - Spotted Bass
Phone:Duc Tran: (817)-966-5711 / Aris Tsamis @ Mariner Sails: (972)-241-1498
Email: Duc Tran: Nissanfreak311@yahoo.com | Aris Tsamis @ Mariner Sails: aris@mariner-sails.com

Need Help? Contact Us

North Texas Kayak Fisherman demanded a tournament trail that is exciting and competitive! They wanted the DFW Kayak fishing scene as a whole to stand together and come up with something fun for the masses! Well after a few months of hard work and planning from a select group of Pro-Staffs and 2 of the Local Kayak Shops, we have finally be able to put together a Kayak Bass Fishing trail that is going to make everyone happy!!

The 2017 North Texas Kayak Championships will consist of 5 individual qualifying tournament events, and a Classic at the end of the season. All anglers are invited to participate in the first 5 series events and depending on participation the top 50% will get an invite to the NTXKC Classic at the end of the season. A series-wide point system will be used to keep a running leader board based on individual event rankings. The Championship will be the final showdown between the top 50% eligible anglers. The Angler of the Year Award will be given to the competitor with the most overall point. We will make every effort to keep the 2017 NTXKC season a competitive and fun series for everyone.

After registering, you can come back to this page to purchase for the Optional Big Bass.

Big Bass and NTXKC Merchandise Options:
Big Bass $10

Series: North Texas Kayak Championships

$50 USD
Individual Angler

Lake ForkTexas

Tournament is over

Website: www.ntxkc.org


Events & Schedule


06/17/2017 05:00 AM

Lines in the water

06/17/2017 06:30 AM

Lines out of the water

06/17/2017 03:00 PM



Duc Tran
Steve Searle


Rules and RegulationsClick to Read


North Texas Kayak Championships 2017

The 2017 North Texas Kayak Championships will consist of 5 individual qualifying tournament events, and a Classic at the end of the season. All anglers are invited to participate in the first 5 series events and depending on participation the top 50% will get an invite to the NTXKC Classic at the end of the season. A series-wide point system will be used to keep a running leader board based on individual event rankings. The Championship will be the final showdown between the top 50% eligible anglers. The Angler of the Year Award will be given to the competitor with the most overall point. We will make every effort to keep the 2017 NTXKC season a competitive and fun series for everyone.

• The Series is open to ALL anglers provided they meet the Requirements and honor all Rules and Regulations listed below.
• There are NO membership fees or dues aside from individual event registration fees and optional side pots.
• Disabled or Special Medical Needs: Competitors will be allowed to use kayaks or canoes with maximum of 12V trolling motors, or Kayak Manufacturer Motors, for competitions with prior approval from TournamentDirector.
• Tournament Director reserves right to seek verification such as a doctor’s note. Please contact the Tournament Director with ample time to make these arrangements. (SEE ADDENDUM ABOVE)
• Participants MUST attend the Captain’s Meeting. There will be only one on Saturday Morning at the announced time. You must verify that you are registered on I-angler, and have your hawg trough checked before you get your Identifier.

• ALL competitors must agree to a liability release prior to start of the event, this will be completed during your online registration.
• ALL competitors UNDER the age of 18 must provide a liability release signed by a parent or guardian before the start of the event. Parent or guardian must be present. This will be completed during your online registration.
• ALL competitors MUST have a valid Texas Freshwater Fishing License or be exempt under TPWD regulations.
• For current regulations and information on fishing licenses visit:

• ONLY human powered vessels will be allowed.
• Kayaks, canoes, rowboats, inflatable boats, paddleboats, stand up paddleboards are acceptable.
• NO gasoline or electric motor propelled boats, sail boats, airboats, float tubes, or poled boats maybe used.
• Only ONE paid entrant per vessel.
• NO pier/shoreline/wade/jug/trot line/hand line/cast or drag net/bow fishing allowed.

• This tournament is designated as “Roadrunner” event:
• Boats may be launched at any legal and public launch site on the boundary waters of that particular event.
• Competitors will be released at a specified time from Captain’s meeting. You may leave and drive once the captains meeting is over and you have been checked by the staff for PFD and Hawg Trough. You must attend the Captains Meeting, and you must adhere to normal Scoring and Weigh-in times.
• Transporting vessels/competitors via power driven boats (including towing) is strictly prohibited except in the case of an emergency as determined by the tournament director.

• ONLY artificial baits/lures/flies and hand-tied flies will be permitted.
• NO live or dead bait may be used.
• Rod and Reel and Fly Rods are the only devices acceptable.
• NO downriggers allowed, trolling under human power is acceptable.
• 1 rod/line in the water at anytime.

• PFD (lifejacket) MUST be worn at ALL times while on the water. NO exceptions. Violators will be immediately disqualified if spotted not wearing a PFD.
• Competitors must meet all TPWD regulations.
• Competitors must meet all US Coast Guard Regulations.
• Mariner Sails official spotters will be present during competitions.

• NO competitors are to be within 10 yards of each other during fish-time; except in the case of emergency when assistance is required.
• NO fish are to be kept on stringers.
• Any ONE fish can only be submitted ONCE.
• Fishing in OFF-LIMITS areas will result in disqualification.
• Captain’s Meeting attendance is MANDATORY TO RECEIVE YOUR IDENTIFIER.

• Emergency calls are permitted, and the Tournament Director is to be notified.
• Emergency, family, and employment related calls are allowed.
• There is to be NO electronic communication between competing anglers, or communication regarding fishing or the tournament during the competition.
• This rule is in place to cancel out any “unfair advantages” and the sharing of information that may create an unfair competitive advantage during the competition.

• ALL fish must be caught within boundary waters during the tournament time.
• ONLY the following species will count towards your total.
• Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass and Guadalupe Bass.
• CPR: Catch, Photo, and Release alive only.

• The Hawg Trough is the mandatory measuring device for all Mariner Sails events.
• Competitors must use their own measuring device (no sharing)
• Your device may be checked by Mariner Sails staff at any time.
• If the judge cannot clearly see the markings, that fish will not be scored. At a minimum ¼ inch increments need to be visible. Consider marking your lines with a black sharpie on the Hawg Trough.
• Mouth Open or Closed to Furthest Tip of Tail

• The lake where the current event will be held is strictly OFF LIMITS to any contestant 48HRS prior to the tournament.
• ANY angler caught and reported (with proof) fishing a lake during off limits period will be disqualified and forfeit their entry fee. NO exceptions.

• INCLEMENT WEATHER: The Tournament Director may delay, reschedule, or cancel the event.
• The first option will be a delay to be determined by the tournament director.
• The reschedule date for any event is the following day (same time/place/launch).
• If both days are rescheduled, the following weekend will serve as make-up event.
• If canceled or rescheduled, entrants can be refunded or have fee applied to next event.
• No refunds for prepaid entrants will be given for non-attendance regardless of the reason.

• Contestants grant Mariner Sails and the sponsors the unconditional right to use their name, voice, photographic likeness and biographical information in connection with Mariner Sails tournaments, production, promotion, and/or articles and press releases, and shall not be entitled to receive any royalties or other compensation in connection with such use.

• DRUG and or ALCOHOL use during the tournament is strictly PROHIBITED.
• ANY competitor found to be under the influence will be disqualified and will receive a score of ZERO.

• All rules are decided and interpreted by the Tournament Director.
• Any protests should be registered with the tournament director immediately after the results being posted.
• The Tournament Director retains the right to make any changes at ANY time, and the FINAL decision.
• Not having read the rules is NOT an exception.

• This Mariner Sails competition is intended and will be a competitive and professional event. It is also designed to be lots of fun. That being said, ALL anglers are encouraged to be good sportsmen throughout the series. Any disorderly conduct, violation of rules, or illegal activity may result in your disqualification.
• Any report of cheating will be investigated. Any cheating reported with proof will result in immediate disqualification. KNOW THE RULES!

• ALL participants MUST have paid entry fee and registered on I-Angler prior to fishing.
• Entry Fee for this Mariner Sails Event is as follows:
• Online Registration will end on the Thursday night prior to Tournament
• $50 entry and $10 for Big Bass.
• Big Bass is optional.

• This tournament is a 90% payback, and 10% is used to pay for paypal and I-angler fees.
• Competitor with biggest bass wins entire prize. Ties are determined by standard tie criteria
• There will be various other prizes accordingly.


• We will be using I-Angler to judge all submissions for this tournament.
• All contestants are to submit their catch through I-Angler’s App on their smart phone.
• If you do not have cell service or are using a digital camera, you will need to plan accordingly and come find the Tournament Director before the deadline to submit your catch.
• While we have a universal card reader, it is highly recommended that you bring a USB cord that is compatible with your camera. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure we can download your pictures.

• See the info graphic on proper CPR process:
• Each fish photo MUST include ALL of the following criteria:
• The whole fish, tip to tail.
• Laying with the tip of the lip at beginning of hawg trough.
• Mouth Open or Closed to Furthest Tip of Tail
• Fish MUST be left side UP.
• Measurement markings must be clearly visible
• Assigned unique identifier must be visible
• Nothing other than your hand can be used to hold the fish down to the Hawg Trough.
• Angler cannot use any object to hold fish’s mouth to the the Hawg trough.
• Fish must be clear of any devices. Fins/tail/head/eyes cannot be obstructed in photo.
• ALL criteria must be met or photo will not be scored.
• If you do not have cell service at the time, you can take the pics and submit it later when you are in an area that has cell service.

• ONLY the Tournament Director and Marnier Sails designated staff will be involved in the judging process.
• Since this will mostly be an online submitted tournament, there will be no late submittals. If you know you do not have cell service out on the lake or are using a digital camera, it is YOUR responsibility to get back early so you can submit it in person.

• Competitor photos will be reviewed and scored by Tournament Director and Mariner Sail’s designated staff.
• Photos that do not meet the requirements as provided will be rejected and you will have the option to resubmit a better picture if you have it.
• The Tournament Director and Mariner Sail’s staff will be solely responsible and retain the right to declare anyphoto as “unacceptable”.
• Winners will be declared and prizes/awards will be announced by the Tournament Director.
• The Tournament will then be declared complete.
• Tournament Director will make final decision on whether adjustment will be made and which effect that will have on any prizes given out in the event of an error.

• EACH competitor will be provided an identifier and a Inspection Tag for the event.
• Your 5 (five) LONGEST verified lengths will be totaled for your score.
• Fish UNDER 12” will not be scored and should not be photographed or recorded.
• A 12” bass is legal; a 11.75 in bass is not legal, no rounding will apply.
• Rounding will be DOWN and to the nearest ¼ (quarter) inch.
• Some permanent markers will be available (until supplies run out). You are responsible for bringing your own, or returning the one you borrowed.

• In the event of a TIE, the following criteria will decide the winner:
• Biggest Fish
• 2 nd Biggest Fish
• 3 rd Biggest Fish
• And so on until there are no more fish to compare; then a coin toss.
• Ties will be decided by a 4-hour FISH-OFF
• Total length, no limit, 12” minimum
• Time and place to be decided between involved competitors and Tournament Director.
• The winner takes 1st pl¬¬¬¬¬ace and the runner up will move to 2nd, pushing 2nd to 3rd and so on.

You may contact Duc Tran and Mariner Sail’s Staff for questions or concerns.

Duc Tran: 817-966-5711 Nissanfreak311@yahoo.com
Mariner Sails: 972-241-1498


Disclaimer Click to Read


• ALL competitors must agree to a liability release prior to start of the event, this will be completed duringy our online registration.
• ALL competitors UNDER the age of 18 must provide a liability release signed by a parent or guardian before the start of the event. Parent or guardian must be present. This will be completed during your online registration.
• ALL competitors MUST have a valid Texas Freshwater Fishing License or be exempt under TPWD regulations.
• For current regulations and information on fishing licenses visit: