Coop's Catch for Kids - Fall 2024
Sarah Costello
Sarah Costello
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November 11, 2024
Inshore grand slam fishing tournament raising funds for the fight against Pediatric Cancer
Coop's Catch for Kids is an exciting day of fishing and fundraising, where head coach Jon Cooper and the entire Lightning roster join participants for a day of fun and fishing on the water, all while raising funds for pediatric cancer research.
The annual catch-and-release inshore grand slam tournament pairs Lightning players and celebrities on a guided boat with two participants. It also includes an Angler's Party preceding the tournament and a post-fishing reception after a day on the water.
The proceeds all go to the V Foundation, founded by Dick Vitale to benefit pediatric cancer research and patient services.
Launched in 2016 by Lightning Head Coach Jon Cooper and his wife, Jessie, Coop's Catch for Kids is an annual fishing tournament hosted by the Lightning Foundation that benefits pediatric cancer research and patient services.
Each year, anglers are treated to an exciting day of fishing and fundraising alongside Lightning players and coaches. The annual catch-and-release inshore grand slam tournament pairs Lightning celebrities on a guided boat with two participants. Guests also attend an Anglers' Party the night before the tournament, where they are joined by guest speakers such as Dick Vitale and Charley Belcher. Following the tournament, participants are invited to a post-fishing reception where awards are given out for the top catches of the day.
At each Coop's Catch for Kids, we are honored to host a local child who has battled cancer as our Guest of Honor. Our Guest of Honor and their family is invited to attend the tournament festivities and share their stories of resilience and strength while battling this terrible disease.
In four years, Coop's Catch for Kids has raised more than $500,000 for the V Foundation and local pediatric cancer research and patient services.
Target Species:
- Snook
- Redfish
- Spotted Seatrout
Tournament Boundaries:
- Tampa Bay and its tributaries to Egmont Key on West, Pass-a-Grille Channel
Awards (Angler is only eligible for one trophy prize):
- Biggest Grand Slam (total inches)
- 1st and 2nd Biggest Fish of Each Species
- Largest Individual Fish of Eligible Species
Ties will be broken by the time the fish is submitted for scoring.
Tournament Schedule:
- 9:00AM Boats Depart (Tampa Convention Center Docks)
- 12:30PM Boats Return (Tampa Convention Center Docks)
Tournament is over
Leaderboard Visibility Is Off!
2 months 4 weeks ago
The First Catch Has Been Logged!
2 months 4 weeks ago
"Logging Your Catch" Instructional Video
3 months 2 weeks ago
Welcome to iAngler Tournament - Adding Your Photo to the Leaderboard
3 months 2 weeks ago
Events & Schedule
Boats Depart
11/11/2024 09:00 AM
Boats Return
11/11/2024 12:30 PM
Rules and RegulationsClick to Read
Boats Depart at 9:00 AM
Return to Maximo Park docks by 12:30 PM
LOCATION:Tampa Bay and its tributaries to Egmont Key on West, Pass-a-Grille Channel
AWARDS: (Angler is only eligible for one trophy prize)
• Biggest Grand Slam (total inches)
• 1st and 2nd Biggest Fish of Each Species
• Largest Individual Fish of Eligible SpeciesTies will be broken by the time the fish is submitted for scoring.
Each boat shall have a smart phone with camera capabilities and each angler must submit their own scores via the iAngler Tournament app. Catch shall be laid flat and tail squeezed. The boat number (numbered card provided by tournament organization) must also be in the photo with fish. Take photo of the whole fish making sure the nose and tail are in the photo and the size graduations on the measuring board are visible. If you can’t see the measurements, neither can the scoring committee. Once you confirm photo and are satisfied with the measurement, the fish must be safely released.
Please check in with scoring committee upon return to resolve any issues that have not been taken care of during the day.
This is a full release tournament. Every effort should be made to release fish alive and in good condition. Handle fish carefully. Use a wet rag or lip holding device and barbless hooks. Natural or artificial baits permitted. Chumming permitted. Wading permitted.
Disclaimer Click to Read
The "Coop's Catch 2023 Waiver" must be signed and returned by each participant in the tournament. The waiver can be downloaded from the tournament homepage.