2024 Line, Vine & Dine Charity Fishing Tournament


2024 Line, Vine & Dine Charity Fishing Tournament

Friday, February 2, 2024 to Saturday, February 3, 2024
 | Fishing Tournament
Target Sub-species: 
Sailfish - Sailfish
Marlin - White marlin
Marlin - Blue marlin
Dolphin (Mahi) - Dolphin (Mahi Mahi, Dorado)
Mackerels - King mackerel
Tunas - Blackfin tuna
Tunas - Yellowfin tuna
Wahoo - Wahoo

Ryan Davidson
AIM Marine Group

Celeste Landry Baer
Emeril Lagasse Foundation


Ryan Davidson
AIM Marine Group

Celeste Landry Baer
Emeril Lagasse Foundation

Julie Jarvie
AIM Marine Group

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Line, Vine & Dine 2024
Charity Fishing Tournament
February 2 - 3, 2024

-Tournament entry by invitation only-

Venture into the crystal waters off the coast of Ft. Lauderdale, and search for prized sailfish and other seasonal favorites.

Billfish Division Prize Categories

Team Competition:

  • Tournament Champion
  • Second Place Team
  • Third Place Team

Individual Competition:

  • Top Angler
  • Second Place Angler
  • Third Place Angler

Eligible Tournament Species (Release Only):

  • Sailfish
  • White Marlin
  • Blue Marlin

Funfish Division Prize Categories

Eligible Tournament Species:

  • Dolphin
  • Mackerel
  • Blackfin Tuna
  • Yellowfin Tuna
  • Wahoo

Dockside Weigh-In & Yacht Hop Presented by Worth Avenue Yachts

Friday, February 2nd
Pier Sixty-Six Marina
*New South Side Yacht Pavilion
2301 SE 17th Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL

As the anglers return, take a stroll along the slips and visit the beautiful vessels from Worth Avenue Yachts, each hosting our winemakers of the weekend. Enjoy bites prepared by the culinary program at Arc Culinary.

Shuttle transportation provided to and from The Ritz-Carlton and AC Marriott.

Attire is casual.



Founded in 2002 by Chef Emeril Lagasse and his wife Alden, Emeril Lagasse Foundation is a 501c(3) public charity headquartered in New Orleans. Emeril Lagasse Foundation seeks to create opportunities to inspire, mentor and enable youth to reach their full potential through culinary, nutrition and arts education.

$15,000 USD
Team Event
Min: 1 Angler
Max: 10 Angler

Pier Sixty-Six Marina, Southeast 17th StreetFort Lauderdale, FL

Tournament is over

Website: linevineanddine.com


Last chance to bring your fun fish to the scale!
1 year 2 weeks ago
SEA you dockside! Lines out at 2PM!
1 year 2 weeks ago
REEL them in fast, lines out at 4PM!!!
1 year 2 weeks ago
Catch Logging Update
1 year 2 weeks ago
Welcome to iAngler Tournament - Adding Your Photo to the Leaderboard
1 year 3 weeks ago

Events & Schedule

Thursday: Captains' Meeting

02/01/2024 03:00 PM

Dockmaster's Office, Pier 66 Marina

All tournament boats must have one representative present. All tournament waivers due at this time.

Friday: Provisions Pick-Up

02/02/2024 08:00 AM

Pier 66 Marina

Friday: Lines In

02/02/2024 09:00 AM

Friday: Lines Out

02/02/2024 04:00 PM

Friday: Scales Open (4PM - 6PM)

02/02/2024 04:00 PM

Pier 66 Marina

Saturday: Provisions Pick-Up

02/03/2024 08:00 AM

Pier 66 Marina

Saturday: Lines In

02/03/2024 09:00 AM

Saturday: Lines Out

02/03/2024 02:00 PM

Saturday: Scales Open (2PM - 4PM)

02/03/2024 02:00 PM

Pier 66 Marina

Vine & Dine Fundraising Evening

02/03/2024 06:00 PM

The Ritz-Carlton Fort Lauderdale

Sunday: Tournament Awards Brunch

02/04/2024 10:00 AM

The Ritz-Carlton Fort Lauderdale



Ryan Davidson
Julie Jarvie
Celeste Baer
Boat 1
Boat 2
Boat 3
Boat 4
Boat 5
Boat 6
Boat 7
Boat 8
Boat 9
Boat 10
Boat 11
Boat 12


Rules and RegulationsClick to Read


Line, Vine & Dine 2024 Tournament Rules


  • Friday: Lines in at 9:00am and lines out at 4:00pm.
  • Scales open at 4:00pm and close at 6:00pm.

  • Saturday: Lines in at 9:00am and lines out at 2:00pm.
  • Scales open at 2:00pm and close at 4:00pm.

All registered anglers and vessels must comply with all applicable federal and Florida laws regarding fishing licenses, permits, size limits, bag limits, etc. Infractions of any of these rules will result in disqualification. The NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Angling Permit can be purchased at http://www.nmfspermits.com or by phone at 888-872-8862. In accordance with federal fisheries regulations, the results of the Tournament will be reported directly to NMFS; registered boats should therefore not report their catches during the Tournament. A photocopy of the NMFS HMS Angling Permit shall be required from each boat to register for the Tournament. All anglers must also have a valid Florida saltwater fishing license that can be obtained at http://www.myfwc.com.

Eligible Tournament Species:
Sailfish and White and Blue Marlin (Release Only)
Dolphin, King Mackerel, Tuna

The Tournament committee will appoint an official Weighmaster and rules committee, who will oversee all activities. The Weighmaster’s and committee’s decision on individual fish weights, species identifications and video review is final.

Committee Boat Reporting:
The tournament committee will monitor catches via cell phone. The reporting cell numbers will be distributed at the mandatory Captains Meeting Thursday, February 1, 2024. A representative from each fishing team must be present at the meeting in order to compete in the tournament. Anglers calling in a release must include the boat number and angler name in their report. A release will be official once the committee boat responds to the respective angler with a confirmation number. That confirmation number should be recorded on the official release card. Any boat unable to contact the committee should contact another boat for a relay or call via cell phone. Boats that intend to fish in areas with poor cell phone coverage are still responsible for maintaining communication with the tournament committee on all releases.

Check-Out: All boats may begin checking out at 8:00am during both days of fishing. All boats must leave from Port Everglades inlet on fishing days. No baits, teasers, or chumming with whole or cut baits are allowed in the water before the official start of the fishing day (“lines in”).

Boundaries: Participating boats are limited to the waters off the coast of Florida no more than 30 miles to the east, north to Lake Worth Inlet and south to Triumph Reef.

Anglers: Only registered anglers may fish in the Tournament, with a maximum of six anglers per boat. Unregistered anglers may not substitute for registered anglers during the Tournament.
All anglers must be listed on the angler registration form. Additional crewmembers or mates may accompany the team if desired. Any teams with angler changes or substitutions must notify the committee prior to the start of fishing each day.

Maximum Lines: All boats are permitted up to six (6) lines in the water (at one time) in the Sailfish Tournament. (Not including non-baited teasers)

Scoring: Registered anglers will receive 200 points for each eligible sailfish, (blue marlin/white marlin) released. One point per pound shall be awarded for all other eligible fish weighed in accordance with the procedure below. All team prize categories will be awarded based on the team’s overall point standings. In the event of a tie, winners will be determined by the team that releases their last fish first. Trophies will be presented for the top 4 heaviest fun fish: Dolphin, King Mackerel, Tuna and Wahoo.

All boats with fish to be weighed must proceed directly to the weigh station at the end of the fishing day. The scales will open at 4:00pm on Friday and at 2:00pm on Saturday. They will close at 6:00pm on Friday and at 4:00pm on Saturday. Fish to be weighed must be delivered to the weigh station by the capturing boat and official team member(s).

In case of a tie involving two or more boats in the tournament, the boat with the highest number of points in the billfish category will be the winner. If two or more of the tied boats in the Tournament have the same score within the billfish category, then the boat with earliest catch time wins.

Billfish — Each eligible billfish in the Tournament must be registered with the Committee Boat as described above. Points will be awarded for the successful release of each fish and awarded 200 points.

Fun Fish — One point per pound will be awarded to any registered boat landing the following species (10-pound minimum per fish, with each fish weighed to the nearest half pound):
Dolphin (Mahi), King Mackerel (kingfish), Tuna and Wahoo. In case of a tie, the earliest boated fish will be the winner.

Any mutilated fish will not be counted in the Tournament scoring. “Mutilation” does not include the normal wear-and-tear involved in captures with high-speed trolling or gaffing. Any fish that has been tampered with to increase the weight shall be disqualified and the vessel removed from the tournament.

A maximum of 5 fish per boat can be weighed in. All boats must adhere to current Florida recreational bag limits for each species. To view current bag limits for each species, please visit http://www.myfwc.com.

Check-In: All sailfish release results will be video verified. Boats must have their video cameras, as well as signed release cards, SD cards or USB’s, with their boat # to the scoring committee at
Pier 66 no later than 6:00pm on Friday and by 4:00pm on Saturday.

Tackle: All IGFA rules apply. All fish must be caught on rod and reel. Wire lines are permitted. No electric reels (except kite rods, downriggers, dredges/teaser reels, artificial teasers or dredges only). All teams must use a non-offset circle hook in the tournament. The length of the leader may not exceed 15 feet. The combined length of the double line and the leader may not exceed 20 feet in length - 20lb test maximum manufacturer stated.

Bait & Fishing: Fishing with live bait and kites are permitted and circle hooks are required. Circle hook must be packaged “tournament approved.” LIVE CHUMMING IS NOT PERMITTED.
Frozen chum is acceptable. Registered boats may catch their own live bait at any time during the tournament. THERE IS A LIMIT OF SIX (6) LINES IN THE WATER AT ONE TIME PER BOAT.

Hook & Catch: All anglers must fight and land their own fish. Once a fish is hooked, the rod can be transferred only ONCE to the designated fighting angler within 30 seconds of hooking the fish. This angler must fight the fish until it is properly released, boated, or lost. Anglers may not pass rods to fellow anglers once the initial pass has been made. (A fish is considered to be hooked when he eats the bait.) It is allowable to place a rod in the rod holder with hooked fish ONLY in the event that the angler is engaged in multiple hook-ups, but angler cannot crank handle in the holder. (this allows a mate, or other person on the boat, to hook the fish and pass the rod to the angler to fight and release the fish.)

Release: Tip or touch. The Line, Vine & Dine Tournament requires the RELEASE of all sailfish. As such, only released sailfish shall count in the tournament. In order for a release to be official,
the leader must be touched by the mate or team member or tipped. Your video must verify the catch as legal. The requirements for a release are as follows: (1) the double line and leader must leave the tip of the rod once a strike occurs. (2) At the conclusion of the fight the fish must be brought close enough to the boat for a mate or team member to touch the leader, not the double line. A qualified release requires that the fish to be released stay in the water at all times. Any fish that is removed from the water by holding it up for display or bringing it into the cockpit will be disqualified. (3) In a continuous sequence, video footage must clearly identify the fish as well as the leader touch by a mate or crew member. (4) Confirmation # must be displayed on video to mark the completion of a catch. In case of a tie, the earliest reported release shall determine the winner.

In the event of a multiple hook-up, and you can contact the committee for confirmation, and once the fish is released, the camera may be turned off until the next fish is ready to be filmed for the release. Continuous filming from the release to the confirmation number is NOT required. Teams may break in filming while awaiting the committee boat to give the release number. It is the photographer’s responsibility to talk to the camera when multiple hookups occur, until confirmation has been confirmed by committee boat.

Verification: Verification will be done by video cross-referenced with call-in log. Every billfish released in the tournament must be verified by video footage clearly identifying the date, time, the release and positive I.D. of the fish. Each team is responsible for providing its own video camera and the appropriate media to record video footage which documents the releases on their boat. Video media will not be provided to teams by the tournament committee.
Acceptable video formats are SD cards or USB.

Awards will be presented at the Awards Brunch, Sunday, February 4, 2024 10:00 am – 11:00 am at Burlock Coast, Ritz Carlton

Tournament awards will be awarded in the Individual & Team Angler categories as outlined below.

The winning team will have custody of the Line, Vine & Dine perpetual trophy during their winning year and second & third place winning teams that will also receive trophies. There will also be individual trophies for top angler, second place angler and third place angler. As this is a charitable tournament, there are no official cash prizes. Trophies will also be presented for the heaviest fun fish caught in each category. (Dolphin, King Mackerel, Tuna, Wahoo)

All proceeds from the tournament entry will benefit the Emeril Lagasse Foundation, ARC Broward and the Dan Marino Foundation.

The Tournament Committee may cancel any tournament day if, in its best judgment, unsafe conditions exist at sea for the average registered boat. Notice of cancellation for the day will be broadcast on the VHF. However, the decision of the Tournament to allow fishing for the day shall not be interpreted as any assurance that the conditions are safe for any registered boat or angler. Registered participants must at all times make their own judgments regarding personal safety based on their boat, experience, seamanship skills, and any other relevant factors.

All registered anglers, non-registered participants, including all guests and crew aboard any vessel expressly understand that they are voluntarily participating in the Line, Vine & Dine (LVD) Charity Fishing Tournament at their own risk.

In consideration for the LVD’s acceptance of this entry, each participant must review and sign the LVD tournament application form and waiver.


Disclaimer Click to Read


All of the Owner, Captain, Mate, and every Angler listed on the front of this Tournament Application (collectively, the “Participants” and each, a “Participant”) expressly understand that they are voluntarily participating in the Line, Vine & Dine Charity Fishing Tournament (“LVDCFT”) at their own risk. In consideration of LVDCFT’s allowing the Participants listed on this Tournament Application to participate in the LVDCFT, each Participant on their own behalf and on behalf of their heirs, executors and administrators, waives all rights of recovery against (1) Emeril Lagasse Foundation (“ELF”), (2) any and all affiliates thereof, (3) any and all owners, officers, directors, agents, representatives, volunteers or employees of any of the foregoing, (4) the owner, captain, and crew of any watercraft that is chartered by ELF, (5) any and all persons or organizations that ELF has agreed to defend, indemnify or hold harmless (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties” and each, an “Indemnified Party”); and, agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless all of the Indemnified Parties, against, for, and from any and all liability, including but not limited to strict liability, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, penalties, suits, expenses, reasonable attorney’s fees, other costs of defense, and court costs (each, an “Indemnifiable Matter”); incurred by or which accrue to any of the Indemnified Parties in payment, settlement or defense of any claim(s) made or action(s) brought against any of the Indemnified Parties by (A) any Participant; their family member(s), including but not limited to minor children; guests; invitees; associates; employees; agents; vendors; service providers or suppliers; and any agents and/or employees of any of the same as may be applicable, (the “Participant Parties”); and/or, (B) any other person or organization (including any person or organization that ELF has agreed to defend, indemnify or hold harmless); incident to, arising out of, connected in any manner with, or resulting from, directly or indirectly, the LVDCFT or participation in the LVDCFT, including but not limited to:

a. the activities, actions, errors or omissions of any of the Participant Parties before, during or following the LVDCFT;

b. the operation, use or maintenance of any vehicle, watercraft, equipment or machinery owned, leased, or provided by any of the Participant Parties whether or not said vehicle, watercraft, equipment or machinery was being operated, used or maintained by any of the Participant Parties;

c. the operation, use or maintenance of any vehicle, watercraft, equipment or machinery owned, leased, or provided by any party other than one of the Participant Parties including but not limited to any of the Indemnified Parties when said vehicle, watercraft, equipment or machinery was being operated, used or maintained by any of the Participant Parties;

d. libelous, slanderous, or discriminatory acts of any Participant Parties and/or acts of any Participant Party related to employment, termination of employment or refusal to employ;

e. transmission of a communicable disease, virus, bacteria or illness

f. capture of any images or any sounds including but not limited to video recordings, audio recordings, or photographs;

g. use of any images or any sounds including but not limited to video recordings, audio recordings or photographs in any medium including but not limited to books, newspapers, magazines, films, movies, promotional materials, marketing materials, advertising materials, broadcasts, website content, social media platform content or for any other endeavors of ELF and/or any affiliate of ELF and/or related participating charities. all, regardless of whether such Indemnifiable Matter is partially caused by or is alleged to have been partially caused by the concurrent or contributory negligence or fault of any of the Indemnified Parties or in the case of items e. and f. above, the intentional acts of any of the Indemnified Parties.