The Waterman Fly Fishing Tournament


The Waterman Fly Fishing Tournament

Saturday, February 26, 2022 to Sunday, February 27, 2022
 | Fishing Tournament
Target Sub-species: 
Redfish - Red Drum (Redfish)
Snook - Snook (all)

Adam Fernandez


Adam Fernandez

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Please register for the tournament at:

After registering for the tournament, a coupon code will be provided for registration on this site.

The Waterman Fly Fishing Tournament is a two-day, fly only Redfish tournament with a Snook Calcutta to be held on February 26 and February 27, 2022. The fishing boundaries are the west coast of Florida from Crystal River southern-most tip of Sanibel Island. The two day, photo submission format will make it possible for fisherman in this entire range to participate. The Waterman culminates in an Awards Banquet with a can’t-miss Raffle made possible by our generous sponsors. A limited amount of guest tickets to the Awards Banquet are available for purchase for $50.00. All proceeds from The Waterman Fly Fishing Tournament benefit Tampa Bay Waterkeeper, a non-profit organization dedicated to protection, preservation and improvement of the Tampa Bay watershed.


  • Two-angler team – $300 (per team)
    Includes two, long-sleeve microfiber tournament shirts, two Tampa Bay Waterkeeper hats, dinner for two anglers at the awards ceremony, and one raffle ticket for each angler.
  • Solo-angler team – $150
    Includes one long-sleeve microfiber tournament shirt, one Tampa Bay Waterkeeper hat, dinner for one angler at the awards ceremony, one raffle ticket.

Target Species:

  • Redfish
  • Snook

Fishing boundaries:

  • • Southern Tip of Sanibel Island to the Southern Edge of the Crystal River Power Plant Main Channel

Scoring Guidelines:

  • Highest combination of two longest redfish caught between Day 1 and Day 2.
    • Example A: Team X weighs in a 25” redfish and a 20” redfish on Day #1. On Day #2, Team X weighs in a 30” redfish and a 21” redfish on Day #2. Team X’s total score is the combination of its two biggest redfish = 55”
    • Example B: Team X weighs in no fish on Day #1. On Day #2, Team X weighs in a 30” redfish and a 28” redfish. Team X’s total score is = 58”
  • First Place/Grand Champion
    • Highest combination of two longest redfish between Day #1 and Day #2
  • Second Place
    • Second highest combination of two longest redfish between Day #1 and Day #2
  • Third Place
    • Third highest combination of two longest redfish between Day #1 and Day #2
  • Biggest Redfish
    • Longest Single Redfish
  • Snook Calcutta
    • Longest Single Snook
  • Tie Breaker
    • In the event of a tie for 1st, 2nd or 3rd place, Biggest Redfish and/or the Snook Calcutta, the tie breaker will be a casting competition based on fly casting distance and accuracy.
    • Each team will select on angler from the team who will perform one (1) distance cast and one (1) accuracy cast. One (1) point will be awarded for each foot of distance. One (1) point will be deducted from the distance score for every inch between the fly and the target on the accuracy cast (distance 60ft). Each angler will have one practice cast for distance and one practice cast for accuracy. Practice cast does not count toward the score. Highest score wins the tie breaker. Each angler will use the same rod, reel and line for the tie breaker which will be supplied by the tournament officials.

$300 USD
Team Event
Min: 2 Angler
Max: 2 Angler
$150 USD
Individual Angler

Bradenton Yacht Club, 4307 13th Street WestPalmetto, FL

Tournament is over



The Waterman 2022 Captain's Meeting (Tonight · 8:00pm(Sharp!!!)
2 years 11 months ago
"Logging Your Catch" Instructional Video
3 years 3 months ago
Welcome to iAngler Tournament - Adding Your Photo to the Leaderboard
3 years 3 months ago

Events & Schedule

Mandatory Virtual Captains Meeting via Zoom
Only one member of each team must attend. Format and Rules will be discussed and questions answered. The link to the Zoom will be provided by email.

02/25/2022 08:00 PM

Lines In

02/26/2022 07:00 AM

Lines Out

02/26/2022 04:00 PM

Lines In

02/27/2022 07:00 AM

Lines Out
The earlier “lines out” time is intended to accommodate travel time to the Awards Ceremony.

02/27/2022 03:00 PM

Awards Ceremony, Dinner and Raffle
Anglers must check in by 6:30pm to be eligible for awards.

02/27/2022 06:00 PM

Bradenton Yacht Club, 4307 13th Street West, Palmetto, Florida



Will Bouziane
Adam Fernandez
Judson Holt


Rules and RegulationsClick to Read




  • All anglers must sign the General Release of Liability and Waiver of Claims in order to participate in The Waterman Fly Fishing Tournament.
  • Fishing boundaries are the West Coast of Florida only from the Southern Tip of Sanibel Island to the Southern Edge of the Crystal River Power Plant Main Channel.
  • Anglers may launch at any ramp, but must fish within the stated boundaries.
  • Maximum of two anglers per team/boat.
  • USCG Licensed Captains are welcome to fish the tournament, however, Tampa Bay Waterkeeper strongly encourages only one USCG Captain/Guide per team to maximize the amount of anglers fishing in The Waterman.
  • Following registration and payment of the tournament fee on the Tampa Bay Waterkeeper webpage registration on the iAngler Tournament webpage, a laminated tournament card will be mailed to each team.
  • Each team is responsible for providing its own black permanent marker.
  • Upon registration and payment of the tournament fee, each team will be assigned a team number. The team number must be prominently displayed in black permanent marker on the tournament card.
  • To differentiate fish caught on Day 1 vs. Day 2, a daily code word will be posted on the Tampa Bay Waterkeeper Instagram and Facebook page at 7:00am on each fishing day. The daily code word must be clearly and legibly written on the tournament card in black permanent marker.
  • Teams must provide a photo of measured fish adjacent to the tournament approved measuring device. The nose of fish on the 0’’ mark must be visible in the photograph.
  • Tail of the measured fish may be pinched.
  • Fish will be measured rounded up to the closest quarter inch.
  • Fly only.
  • No scent may be applied to the fly. No chumming with live or dead bait.
  • Tournament anglers may not fish within 100 yards of any person or vessel that is chumming or fishing with live or dead bait.
  • Tournament anglers may not fish an area which has been chummed with live or dead bait within one (1) hour of the person or vessel vacating the chummed area.
  • Wade fishing is permitted. However, if wade fishing from a skiff/boat/paddle craft, both anglers must exit the skiff/boat/paddle craft. One angler is permitted to wade back to the skiff/boat and drive the skiff/boat back to the other angler/fishing area. For example, teams are not permitted to drop an angler off at one of a fishing area and then drive a distance away and anchor (i.e. leap frogging) nor drop an angler off to wade fish and then drift or pole a flat by himself/herself.
  • Respect and courtesy to all tournament and recreational anglers/boaters is mandatory.
  • Approximately 200 yards distance must be given to all tournament anglers. If a skiff is poling a shoreline/flat, the second arriving team must approach the shoreline/flat from the stern of the skiff present upon arrival. Otherwise teams are expected to use the best judgment given the conditions (sun, wind and tide) to avoid cutting off another team.
  • Violation of rules may result in disqualification at the tournament committee’s discretion.
  • Tampa Bay Waterkeeper, Inc. reserves the right to deny participation in The Waterman to any angler based upon that angler’s prior unethical conduct in any other fishing tournament, violations The Waterman tournament rules, and or state/federal fishing regulations.

Calcutta Snook

  • $25 per angler with. Individual Angler with the Longest Snook of the Tournament wins the Calcutta
  • Winner takes the remaining pot after 50% donation to Tampa Bay Waterkeeper

Weigh-In Procedure

  • Redfish photos (with tournament approved measuring device, tournament placard, team number and daily code word visible) and Calcutta Snook (with tournament approved measuring tournament placard, team number and daily code word visible) must be uploaded to the iAngler Tournament app within 15 minutes of lines out on each tournament day (4:15pm on Day 1 and 3:15pm on Day 2).
    • Submissions received after 4:15pm on Day 1 will be disqualified.
    • Submissions received after 3:15pm on Day 2 will be disqualified.
    • Each team will receive a push notification from the iAngler Tournament App indicating that their weigh-in was received timely with the length of each fish weighed in as determined by tournament officials.
    • Tournament anglers are encouraged to not wait until the last minute to upload photographs to the iAngler Tournament App. Tournament anglers are also encouraged to consider and plan for the risk of not having sufficient cellular reception to submit their cath based upon their location.
    • You may upload multiple, separately-caught Redfish and Snook to the iAngler Tournament App per day. The iAngler Tournament App will automatically cull your two biggest Redfish and single biggest Snook based upon your declaration of the size at the time of uploading. No other photos will be reviewed.
    • Anglers will be notified if the tournament committee’s review of fish length varies from the length declared by the tournament angler.
    • Anglers are required to have their weigh in photos available for inspection at the Awards Ceremony/Dinner, if necessary.
  • After uploading your fish to the iAngler Tournament app, we ask that each Team post their weigh-in photos and individual photos of the angler holding the fish on their social media accounts with hashtags #tampabaywaterkeeper and #thewaterman prior to the Awards Banquet.


Disclaimer Click to Read


In consideration for receiving permission to participate in The Waterman Fly Fishing Tournament sponsored by Tampa Bay Waterkeeper, Inc. in the state of Florida territorial waters between the southern tip of Sanibel Island, Florida and the southern edge of the Crystal River Power Plant Channel on February 26, 2022 and February 27, 2022 and the Awards Ceremony, Dinner and Raffle held at Bradenton Yacht Club located at 4307 13th St W, Palmetto, FL 34221 on February 27, 2022 (hereinafter referred to as the “Tournament”), I hereby, on behalf of myself, successors and assigns, COVENANT NOT TO SUE AND HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS Tampa Bay Waterkeeper, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates, including, (collectively, “Tampa Bay Waterkeeper”) and Tampa Bay Waterkeeper’s officers, directors, agents, servants, employees, volunteers, The Bradenton Yacht Club, Inc. and other persons connected with or associated with Tampa Bay Waterkeeper and the Tournament, including any and all sponsors of the Tournament (collectively the “Releasees”) from all liability, claims, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me, or any of the property belonging to me or in my possession, custody, or control, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE SOLE OR PARTIAL NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES including gross negligence, or otherwise, while traveling to or from or participating in the Tournament, or while in, on or upon the premises where the Tournament is being conducted.

I understand that the Releases do not assess or warranty the boating, fishing or outdoors proficiency of the other participants in the Tournament, and the Releasees do not make any warranty or representation of any type, kind or character, whatsoever, as to existing conditions upon the lands I may enter for the Tournament. I am participating in the Tournament at my own risk, and I accept land or property in the existing conditions, and recognize that boating, fishing and other outdoor activities are inherently hazardous activities and expose me to dangerous conditions, risks and hazards.

I agree and represent that I will comply with all current regulations, all laws of the State in which the Tournament is held, all federal laws, and any other controlling authority’s rules and regulations while participating in the Tournament.

I am fully aware of the risks involved and hazards connected with participation in the Tournament and I hereby elect to voluntarily participate in the Tournament with full knowledge that said activity may be hazardous to me and to property owned by me or my family members or in our possession, custody, or control. I VOLUNTARILY ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY RISKS OF LOSS, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, that may be sustained by me, or any loss or damage to property owned by me or my family members or in our possession, custody, or control, as a result of being engaged in such activities associated with the Tournament, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, including gross negligence.

IN SIGNING THIS RELEASE, I ACKNOWLEDGE AND REPRESENT THAT I have read the foregoing General Release of Liability and Waiver of Claims, understand it and sign it voluntarily as my own free act and deed; no oral representations, statements, or inducements, apart from the foregoing written agreement, have been made; I am at least eighteen (18) years of age fully competent to execute this General Release of Liability and Waiver of Claims on my behalf; and I execute this General Release of Liability and Waiver of Claims for full, adequate and complete consideration fully intending to be bound by same.